Application of skills & knowledge to create art, explore the basic uses of art materials, participate in discussions of the aspects of art, use a variety of lines/colors/shapes, express thoughts & ideas through artwork, recognize artwork for expression and fun
Identify & experiment with materials to communicate ideas, demonstrate responsible use of project materials, recognize and communicate personal experiences through art, understand how illustrators use images to tell stories, recognize art for functional & recreational purposes
Identify and use materials in a sequential process, demonstrate safe use of materials, explore elements of art, recognize that art is created to fulfill personal and/or social needs, discuss/compare artwork from a particular time
Demonstrate control & safe use of art tools, evaluate personal artwork, apply materials & techniques to problem-solve & create, turn an idea into a visual solution, recognize & analyze connections between the arts
Demonstrate control & safe use of tools, analyze and reflect on elements of art & design, prepare/present/evaluate personal artwork, synthesize a variety of tools & techniques, communicate ideas in artwork, recognize artwork may serve functional purposes or be purely decorative
Use materials, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas & experiences, use art tools responsibly, synthesize knowledge of tools, techniques, and process, understand there are different responses to specific pieces of art, begin to understand how personal experiences can influence development of artwork, explain how artworks have inherent relationships to everyday life
Understand the various qualities, processes, techniques at a developing level. Develop the concept of proper use of art materials. Develop a successful art vocabulary, develop critical thinking strategies through the art-making process, initiate new ideas employing inventiveness and innovation. Recognize how art contributes to, and reflects societies & cultures
Understand the various qualities, processes, techniques at an emerging level. Develop the concept of proper use of art materials at an emerging level. Employ reflective thinking skills by observing, analyzing, and critically evaluating works of art. Collaborate, communicate, and work with others to create new ideas at an emerging level, make knowledgeable choices about materials, techniques, and processes to articulate ideas and communicate intended meaning at an emerging level.
Apply understanding of various qualities of materials, techniques, and processes, with selection of tools to design and solve creative problems and achieve desired effects. Effectively use reflective thinking skills to observe, analyze, and critically evaluate works of art. Effectively collaborate, communicate and work with others to create new ideas. Effectively recognize and describe the skills used in visual arts careers.
Application of skills & knowledge to create art, explore the basic uses of art materials, participate in discussions of the aspects of art, use a variety of lines/colors/shapes, express thoughts & ideas through artwork, recognize artwork for expression and fun
Identify & experiment with materials to communicate ideas, demonstrate responsible use of project materials, recognize and communicate personal experiences through art, understand how illustrators use images to tell stories, recognize art for functional & recreational purposes
Identify and use materials in a sequential process, demonstrate safe use of materials, explore elements of art, recognize that art is created to fulfill personal and/or social needs, discuss/compare artwork from a particular time
Demonstrate control & safe use of art tools, evaluate personal artwork, apply materials & techniques to problem-solve & create, turn an idea into a visual solution, recognize & analyze connections between the arts
Demonstrate control & safe use of tools, analyze and reflect on elements of art & design, prepare/present/evaluate personal artwork, synthesize a variety of tools & techniques, communicate ideas in artwork, recognize artwork may serve functional purposes or be purely decorative
Use materials, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas & experiences, use art tools responsibly, synthesize knowledge of tools, techniques, and process, understand there are different responses to specific pieces of art, begin to understand how personal experiences can influence development of artwork, explain how artworks have inherent relationships to everyday life
Understand the various qualities, processes, techniques at a developing level. Develop the concept of proper use of art materials. Develop a successful art vocabulary, develop critical thinking strategies through the art-making process, initiate new ideas employing inventiveness and innovation. Recognize how art contributes to, and reflects societies & cultures
Understand the various qualities, processes, techniques at an emerging level. Develop the concept of proper use of art materials at an emerging level. Employ reflective thinking skills by observing, analyzing, and critically evaluating works of art. Collaborate, communicate, and work with others to create new ideas at an emerging level, make knowledgeable choices about materials, techniques, and processes to articulate ideas and communicate intended meaning at an emerging level.
Apply understanding of various qualities of materials, techniques, and processes, with selection of tools to design and solve creative problems and achieve desired effects. Effectively use reflective thinking skills to observe, analyze, and critically evaluate works of art. Effectively collaborate, communicate and work with others to create new ideas. Effectively recognize and describe the skills used in visual arts careers.