Athlete's Prayer
God, let me play well but fairly.
Help me to learn something that matter once the game is over.
Let competition make me strong but never hostile.
Always let me help my oppenent up.
Never catch me rejoicing in the adversity of others.
If I know victory, allow me to be happy; if I am denied, keep me from envy.
Remind me that sports are just a games.
If through athletics I set an example, let it be a good one.
Author unknown
Help me to learn something that matter once the game is over.
Let competition make me strong but never hostile.
Always let me help my oppenent up.
Never catch me rejoicing in the adversity of others.
If I know victory, allow me to be happy; if I am denied, keep me from envy.
Remind me that sports are just a games.
If through athletics I set an example, let it be a good one.
Author unknown
Catholic Youth Organization
The Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) of the Archdiocese of Detroit was founded in 1933 to help metropolitan Detroit’s children live clean, wholesome lives, regardless of their religious faith, their racial background, or their day-to-day living conditions. CYO is not a department of the Archdiocese of Detroit; it has a separate and independent Board of Directors approved by the Archbishop annually.
CYO believes in becoming a true partner with our community’s young people – it helps them to enjoy their youth; it teaches them to become faith and community leaders, and after they are grown, it encourages them to work with the next generation of youth, replicating this same process over and over again throughout our community.
Since 1939, the Catholic Youth Organization for the Archdiocese of Detroit has been fulfilling its mission in service to the Catholic community of Metro Detroit. Our founding documents put forth the main purpose of CYO as “the development of Catholic life in the Catholic Youth." Now, more than ever before, as the diocese moves from maintenance to mission as directed in Unleash the Gospel, CYO seeks to reinvigorate all current programming and to create an atmosphere that will encourage young people to join the band of joyful missionary disciples.
CYO believes in becoming a true partner with our community’s young people – it helps them to enjoy their youth; it teaches them to become faith and community leaders, and after they are grown, it encourages them to work with the next generation of youth, replicating this same process over and over again throughout our community.
Since 1939, the Catholic Youth Organization for the Archdiocese of Detroit has been fulfilling its mission in service to the Catholic community of Metro Detroit. Our founding documents put forth the main purpose of CYO as “the development of Catholic life in the Catholic Youth." Now, more than ever before, as the diocese moves from maintenance to mission as directed in Unleash the Gospel, CYO seeks to reinvigorate all current programming and to create an atmosphere that will encourage young people to join the band of joyful missionary disciples.
If you have any questions or you are interested in helping coach
please contact our Athletic Director, Angela Rotter @ [email protected]
If you have any questions or you are interested in helping coach
please contact our Athletic Director, Angela Rotter @ [email protected]
OLQM Basketball
- CYO sports is designed for students in grades 5th through 8th grade. At OLQM we do offer the opportunity for 4th graders to play if we have room and time within the CYO schedule. If you register your 4th grader and a team isn't formed you will be reimbursed.
- Start November 11th and runs through Feb 22 for Grades 4, 5 &6 and mid March for 7 & 8th. We do play during breaks, the only break scheduled is Dec 22 through Jan 4. The 8th grade team could play in Thanksgiving and/or Christmas tournaments.
- JV teams will practice about 2 to 3 times per week
- Varsity teams will practice about 3 to 4 times per week
- Game days - are primarily Saturdays but can be during the week as well.
- The schedule will be released from the AOD at the end of November. Please plan on a game the week of Dec 1.
- Physical form (MHSAA), Concussion Form, and Risk of Assumption must be completed after April 15, 2024, and before August 12. 2024.
- Your paperwork is good for the entire school year at OLQM
· Physical form (MHSAA) must be completed after April 15, 2024.
· Concussion Form
· Risk of Assumption
OLQM CYO Sports are non-refundable, should there be any changes in your plans.
Please note you are signing your child(ren) up for a team sport, which means they win and lose as a team. It is important that our children understand what a commitment to a team is. Please make every effort to have your child(ren) attend all practices and games.
We put our faith first and kindly ask that you prepare accordingly for faith formation class if you are a part of our parish. Our Faith Formation team has worked hard to have different catechist offerings to meet our athletics schedules. There will be no Sunday requirements for CYO sports as we would like you to worship with us at church and spend time with your family.
Protocols and forms can be found below on this page.
CYO Fall Sports Information
CYO is designed for students entering 5th through 8th grade. To play OLQM sports you must either:
1. Attend OLQM school or
2. Be a member of our parish
FALL Sports Opportunities:
Girls Volleyball (OLQM only - see above)
1. Attend OLQM school or
2. Be a member of our parish
FALL Sports Opportunities:
Girls Volleyball (OLQM only - see above)
- 4th grade (rounded out with 3rd graders who are comfortable playing up -this team competes against some 5th grade teams
- Junior Varsity grades 5th & 6th
- Varsity grades 7th & 8th
- 4th grade
- Junior Varsity grades 5th & 6th
- Varsity grades 7th & 8th
- Junior Varsity grades 4th, 5th & 6th
- Varsity 7/8
- Freshman 3rd & 4th
- Junior Varsity grades 5th & 6th
- Varsity grades 7th & 8th
- Junior Varsity grades 5th & 6th
- Varsity grades 7th & 8th
Vicariate Boys Football
Please contact the parish you wish to play for. It is the athlete's responsibility to get the necessary sign-offs to play at another parish; both ADs and priests are required to sign off. All sign-offs for OLQM must go through OLQM's AD, Angela Rotter [email protected].
Raider Football
Shrine Football
Vicariate Girls & Boys Cross Country
Please contact the parish you wish to play for. It is the athlete's responsibility to get the necessary sign-offs to play at another parish.
Shrine Cross Country
Vicariate Girls & Boys Soccer
We are combining our girls’ and boys’ soccer teams with Sacred Heart (girls) /Kensington Hall (boys). The play will take place at Sacred Heart. You must be registered on TeamSnap to receive information. Here is the link to register for TeamSnap. If you're unfamiliar with TeamSnap, I suggest downloading the app and ensuring all communications are set to ON. This is the main source of communication between the coach and the families. All teams are run out of Sacred Heart/Kensington
Note on selection 4th graders, they would need to select "Boys Lower School Soccer" or "Girls Lower School Soccer." The Middle School Girls will register for either the 5th/6th or the 7th/8th and the boys will register for the same age levels with Kensington Hall.
Please contact the parish you wish to play for. It is the athlete's responsibility to get the necessary sign-offs to play at another parish; both ADs and priests are required to sign off. All sign-offs for OLQM must go through OLQM's AD, Angela Rotter [email protected].
Raider Football
Shrine Football
Vicariate Girls & Boys Cross Country
Please contact the parish you wish to play for. It is the athlete's responsibility to get the necessary sign-offs to play at another parish.
Shrine Cross Country
Vicariate Girls & Boys Soccer
We are combining our girls’ and boys’ soccer teams with Sacred Heart (girls) /Kensington Hall (boys). The play will take place at Sacred Heart. You must be registered on TeamSnap to receive information. Here is the link to register for TeamSnap. If you're unfamiliar with TeamSnap, I suggest downloading the app and ensuring all communications are set to ON. This is the main source of communication between the coach and the families. All teams are run out of Sacred Heart/Kensington
Note on selection 4th graders, they would need to select "Boys Lower School Soccer" or "Girls Lower School Soccer." The Middle School Girls will register for either the 5th/6th or the 7th/8th and the boys will register for the same age levels with Kensington Hall.
- No Cost to play soccer, there may be a cost if we order new uniforms. It depends on how many sign up from OLQM.
- Practices for the girls are Mon-Thurs 3:30-5 pm (7th/8th grade) and 5-6:30 pm (4th-6th). All age groups for the boys are 3:30-5 pm. We understand 3:30 pm might be early for OLQM, but it's ok if they show up a little late. Game days may affect the practice times.
- Game days are not known at this time and will not be determined until August 26.
- Practices will start Monday, August 26th
- TeamSnap is the registration platform we use to participate
- Lastly, Sacred Heart is offering a girls' 4th-6th grade soccer camp from August 19th-23rd 9 am to 11:30 am at Sacred Heart by the two ASH soccer coaches. If any families wish to register for the camp, the cost is $110.00 and the registration link is here. This camp is primarily to prepare the girls for the upcoming season.
CYO Volleyball 2025
CYO Volleyball will resume in Fall 2025
Information will be posted here when it becomes available.
Information will be posted here when it becomes available.
OLQM CYO Sports Details
OLQM sports are a parish-based program that is dedicated to the development of youth as a student athlete by encouraging them to express catholic values, sportsmanship and fair play that leads to a positive athletic experience.
The Catholic Youth Organization sports offered by OLQM Grades 4-8th (4th grade teams may be rounded out by 3rd grades who can play up). Fall
All OLQM students and parish members are automatically eligible to participate in CYO sports offered by the parish. All students registering for any CYO sport must have a physical exam and a medical clearance on file and paid their registration fee before participating. All students registered and playing in any CYO sport must follow the policies set forth in the Athletic Policy Handbook. Any player that does not follow such policies will be dismissed from the team. All late registrations will be placed on a waiting list. All accepted late registrations will be subject to a $50.00 late fee. CYO Guidelines To learn about division standings, league manuals and rules, or other information about the CYO, visit the CYO website. Team standings are usually updated on Wednesdays. OLQM Home Game Admission Fees All Adults are $5.00 each Children through 8th grade are free of charge |
We encourage parents to read our team rules/guidelines. (below)
Team GuidelinesCYO Rules per SportVolleyball Rules
Soccer Rules Basketball Rules Baseball Rules Softball Rules Cross Country Rules Lacrosse Rules Football Rules Forms/PoliciesOnline registration, Concussion, Assumption of risk and health/physical must be completed for each athlete before they can participate.
If you have any questions, interested in coaching or looking for information, please email us at [email protected]
It's great to be a Viking!Athletic Director |
Interested in coaching?
Contact Angela Rotter @ [email protected]